5 Things Motivated Owners Seem to Miss

Moso Morrow Underwear - Sustainable Fashion

Natalia’s Tips:

“Have you ever bought something, used it for a long time and then long after discovered a hidden feature you wish you knew existed all along? It happened to me. Few times, actually. 

I don’t want it to happen to you so here you go.

Your new Motivated Bralette has some features you may not discover straight away. I decided to post this because I found that new owners of Motivated Bralettes miss all these things rather often. I love this style so much and I really want to show how to get the most out of this wardrobe investment.

Here I’m sharing the 5 things to know about The Motivated Bralette from Moso Morrow to feel your natural best in it.”

Shop Motivated Bralette here

Read my How to look after your garments article to get some tips of keeping your Motivated pieces in great condition to serve you well.

Follow Moso Morrow on social like Facebook and Insta for ideas on how to wear and pair it.

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